Congratulations Ms. Caitlin Walker on being the recipient of the R.E.A.C.H. Out award for January!
R.E.A.C.H. would like to congratulate Ms. Caitlin Walker on being the recipient of the R.E.A.C.H. Out award for the month of January! The R.E.A.C.H. Out award is a student-nominated award that honors teachers who reach out, cultivate hope, and make a difference for our students, school, and community. Ms. Walker was nominated for this award by several students, and we were so proud to give her the award!
Here are a few comments students submitted about Ms. Walker:
"She always has a smile on her face and treats every student with respect."
"Ms. Walker is so kind and inviting to all of her students, and she cares about their lives outside of the classroom as well."
"She is the most caring teacher I know and she always listens."
"She is overall a great teacher who genuinely cares about the students she teaches. She makes the classroom a very calm and comfortable place for all her students."
"She always cares for her students, she is the type of person who always wants to be involved, and she always puts smiles on everyone's face"
Congratulations, Ms. Walker!
Mustang High School is better because you are here!