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MHS Counselors pose while smiling at the camera

Our counseling programs focus on helping students with academic achievement, social and emotional learning, and personal/career development. Each student has an opportunity to work with their school counselor to

understand their growth and development, monitor and take action on any personal or academic issues, and plan for next steps. 

MHS counselors monitor academic progress using real-time data to identify supports, resources, and interventions to keep students on track to graduate and be successful. We also provide support for parents and guardians by keeping them informed of student progress, initiating partnerships for student learning and career planning, and promoting relationships to ensure post-secondary planning.

Helping students to develop their ability to make personal, social, career and educational decisions that foster effective positive change is vital for their success, growth and maturity.

Visit Our Resource Pages:

Links & Resources

Worker's Permit Form

Please print the FORM (paper copies of Form 600 are available in the MHS Counseling Office) and complete it with your work supervisor and your parent/guardian.  Once the form is completed, bring it  to the Mustang High School Counseling Office to obtain the actual Work Permit Form 601 to take back to your work supervisor.

* The student should be newly hired prior to filling out this request because the actual Work Permit application requires your employer/supervisor to fill out a section of the form. * 


AP Test Updates/Cancellations

LifeLines Presentation
Lifelines Parent Presentation

Not My Kid
Suicide Prevention Training

Tips & Tricks for Distance Learning


Contact Us

Suzette Berry
Counseling Administrative Assistant
Email Me

Welcome To YouR Counseling Office

If you would like to make an appointment to meet with your student's counselor, please click on a name to send a request via email. The student assignments are by last name and are listed above each counselor to easily help you contact the counselor assigned to your student. Thank you!

DaNna Farley

Last Name: A-BUI

Kelly Fuerstenau

Last Name: BUJ-DOR


Last Name: DOS-G

Ralph Chappell

Last Name: H-J

ashley Boykin

Last Name: K-MA

Lynn Warden

Last Name: MC-O

Stephanie Fugate

Last Name: P-ROS


Last Name: ROT-THO

Jason Limke

Last Name: THR-Z

Alecia Day

College/Career Counselor

Briana Qualls

Career Tech Counselor

Kevin Richards



Virtual/Alt Ed Counselor

Registrar/Student Records 

Jenni Godwin

Email Me

Stephanie Corn

Email Me

Transcript Requests

Please click the link above to create a "new learner" account (first time users) or simply sign in as an "existing user." 

Suzette Berry
Counseling Administrative Assistant
Email Me